Member organizations of the MIK

Bánság és Regát

Banat and Regát

Moldvai Csángómagyarok Szövetsége

The organization was founded in October 1990 in Sepsiszentgyörgy. According to the statutes of the organization: „The purpose of the organization is to represent the community and protect its interests.” Its activity is therefore to strengthen the sense of identity and belonging, to acquire the inherited language, cultural, artistic and scientific knowledge. In the course of its activities, MCSMSZ is a supporter, organizer and host of several cultural events in Moldova.

Országos Magyar Diákszövetség

The OMDSZ is an association for the protection and representation of the interests of Hungarian university students' organizations operating in Romanian university cities. The student union was founded in 1990, its founders were the Hungarian student associations in Kolzsvár, Marosvásárhely, Brassó, Jászvásár and Nagyvárad, and soon the student organization in Temesvár also became a member organization. The National Hungarian Student Association currently has seven member organizations in the major university cities: a Brassói Magyar Diákszövetség, a Bukaresti Magyar Diákszövetség, a Csíkszeredai Diákönkormányzat, a Kolozsvári Magyar Diákszövetség, a Magyar Diákszövetség Marosvásárhely, a Nagyváradi és Temesvári Magyar Diákszövetség. The aim of the OMDSZ is to protect and represent the interests of Hungarian students studying in the country in the appropriate forums, to support the development of talent and to strengthen the relationship between the member organizations, to assist their activities and to develop their leaders. He is the brainchild of



Burgenlandi Magyarok Népfőiskolája

The organization was established in 1990. The aim of the association is to preserve and nurture Hungarian language and culture in Burgenland. To do this, they offer a diverse program for their ethnic group and other stakeholders (courses, lectures, professional circles, study trips, seminars, summer camps, projects, social events, etc.). Our basic program includes the teaching of the Hungarian language at different levels for all age groups. Our institution operates a professional training consultancy and the only ECL-Language Examination Center in Burgenland (European Consortium For The Certificate Of Attainment In Modern Languages). This way, they can provide a comprehensive training for their students. They also provide an opportunity for those interested to learn about the history and culture of the Hungarians of Burgenland.

Burgenlandi Magyarok Népfőiskolája


Centrum Studiorum Egyesület

The association was basically established for two purposes: they want to establish an educational development center in Székelyföld, and they feel it is their mission to give discounts to students living and studying in Kovászna, Hargita and Maros counties. The association organizes the Career Days in Sepsiszentgyörgy, which are organized in response to the needs of high school students and the experiences of the students, and they also issue Sic Card student cards.

Centrum Studiorum Egyesület

Erdélyi Ifjúsági Keresztyén Egyesület

The organization (IKE) was founded in 1921 on the initiative of a couple of enthusiastic young people in Kolozsvár. From 2015, it will become the „Erdélyi Református Egyházkerület Ifjúsági Szövetsége”, comprising the youth groups of 15 dioceses, which have their own leadership. Its activities are very diverse, so it includes bible study, community building and development programs, missionary activities, sports, and music events. IKE is a community open to all.

Erdélyi Ifjúsági Keresztyén Egyesület

Erdélyi Rezidens Orvosok Szövetsége

The association was founded in 2014 as an advocacy organization for residents of Transylvania. Our main goal is to build and keep together the newly graduated doctor and resident community in Transylvania.

Erdélyi Rezidens Orvosok Szövetsége



Magyar Ifjúsági Tanács

MIT is an advocacy umbrella organization with a twenty-five-year history, a continuous player in Transylvanian public life. MIT projects include programs, events, and camps for elementary school, high school, and college students. Over the past two and a half decades, MIT's activities have also been characterized by a number of events, trainings, youth policy proposals and public appearances. Their team is a constantly renewing, dynamically developing organization, which has been a co-organizer of Tusványos since 2008.

Magyar Ifjúsági Tanács

Magyar Ifjúsági Értekezlet

MIÉRT is one of the largest Hungarian youth organizations in the Carpathian Basin. Its aim is to provide an opportunity for Hungarian young people in Transylvania to stay at home, to embrace and help new initiatives, but at the same time it pays special attention to supporting the self-organizations of young people living in sparsely populated areas. In its activities, it places great emphasis on the training, mobilization, broad involvement, public participation, professional development and, last but not least, entertainment of young people.

Magyar Ifjúsági Értekezlet

Minta Ifjúsági Szervezet

The organization is the youth organization of the Hungarian People's Party of Transylvania. Its main goals are: - to represent the interests of the membership and to issue political declarations; and establishing and cultivating relations with other organizations representing similar values in Transylvania and worldwide.

Minta Ifjúsági Szervezet

Országos Dávid Ferenc Ifjúsági Egylet

The ODFIE is an organization of Unitarian youth and other religious, liberal religious youth. Our central events, as well as the activities in our local branches, are mostly of a religious, public, traditional, educational, social, environmental, sports and similar nature. Their organization aims to serve the development of the Unitarian community and the strengthening of the Hungarian nation, as well as the development of society.

Országos Dávid Ferenc Ifjúsági Egylet

Országos Magyar Diákszövetség

OMDSZ is an association for the protection and representation of the interests of Hungarian university students' organizations operating in Romanian university cities. The organization was founded in 1990. Its founders were Hungarian student associations from the following settlements: Kolozsvár, Marosvásárhely, Brassó, Jászvásár, Nagyvárad. Within a short time, the student organization of Temesvár also became a member organization. The OMDSZ currently has seven member organizations in the major university cities: Brassói Magyar Diákszövetség, Bukaresti Magyar Diákszövetség, Csíkszeredai Hallgatói Önkormányzat, Kolozsvári Magyar Diákszövetség, Marosvásárhelyi Magyar Diákszövetség, Nagyváradi Magyar Diákszövetség és Temesvári Magyar Diákszervezet. The aim of the OMDSZ is to protect and represent the interests of Hungarian students studying in the country in the appropriate forums, to support the development of talent and to strengthen the relationship between the member organizations, to assist their activities and to develop their leaders. He is the brainchild of

Országos Magyar Diákszövetség

Romániai Magyar Cserkészszövetség

The organization is one of the largest Hungarian youth organizations in Transylvania. The Alliance has enjoyed continued popularity since its inception in 1990. Educational work is carried out in 58 active scout teams, with nearly 2,000 members and 200 adult leaders, on a daily and weekly basis. Their activities take place in scout districts, scout teams, and within it in guards (groups of 7-8 people).

Romániai Magyar Cserkészszövetség

Romániai Magyar Középiskolások Szövetsége

MAKOSZ is a non-profit, apolitical organization that represents the interests of Hungarian high school students in Romania. It was formed in the spring of 1990 on the joint initiative of students and teachers.

Romániai Magyar Középiskolások Szövetsége



DH is the national organization of Hungarian university students in the Highlands. DH's most important educational programs are the Highland Scientific Student Circle Conference for Hungarians in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, internships, the publication of the Alma Mater university journal, the Higher Education Information Tour, and DiNaMit.


Esterházy Akadémia

Public life. Talent management. Leadership training. The goal of the Esterházy Academy is to equip talented university students and young people from Felvidék with such added knowledge that they will be able to bring a new color to public life in the Felvidék. The students can get involved in the creation of an intellectual workshop for long-term planning, and upon completion of the two-year training, they can move forward not only with the political or journalistic knowledge and skills learned from the best, but also with the professional and community relationships that will determine their future lives. From September to December, the institution offers a common curriculum for all admitted students; this deepens general knowledge about the Felvidék in terms of history, ideological history, social sciences, demography, church and cultural history, educational and cultural institutional system, minority rights and legal protection, thus marking the idealism and backbone of the entire training. The best domestic specialists take part in the education as teachers.

Esterházy Akadémia

Fiatal Reformátusok Szövetsége

Since the founding of FIRESZ in Losonc on November 14, 1992, it has been a community of Hungarian-speaking young people and children in Slovakia, whose most important task is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ among young people. The primary purpose of the covenant is to make the truths of the gospel known to both members and those around them.

Fiatal Reformátusok Szövetsége

Kárpát-medencei Értékmentő Alapítvány

Kárpát-medencei Értékmentő Alapítvány

Pázmaneum Polgári Társulás

Pázmaneum Polgári Társulás

Selye János Egyetem Hallgatói Önkormányzata

The concept of student self-government is less well known in Slovakia, but is widely accepted in Europe. SJE HÖK is an effective advocacy and advocacy organization made up of students from the university and representing the interests of students, as well as participating in the organization of students ’scientific, professional, cultural and community life.

Selye János Egyetem Hallgatói Önkormányzata

Szlovákiai Magyar Cserkészszövetség

SZMCS is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating young people. Their target group is the Hungarian youth in Slovakia, they have an educational program developed primarily for them, but they also have adult members. Scouts can be found all over the country, so the association is broken down into small units, scout teams in the country's settlements. The association is run almost exclusively by volunteers.

Szlovákiai Magyar Cserkészszövetség

Szlovákiai Magyar Fiatalok Tudományos és Kulturális Társulása

TéKa, is a civic association operating since 2011, aims to function as a youth organization that uses the methods of science to promote the development of the scientific and cultural activities of young Hungarians in Slovakia, while developing individuals and communities and fostering international relations. First of all, we try to embrace those young researchers - especially doctoral students and doctoral candidates - who are the young Hungarians in Slovakia. In the absence of an institutional background among minority groups, the importance of nurturing the talent and scientific development of young Hungarian intellectuals in Slovakia is particularly valued. Through the scientific activity of our organization, in close cooperation primarily with Slovakian and Hungarian, as well as other international youth organizations and other institutions, is working on the construction of a strategy, with which it can provide opportunities for active participation in academic life and professional advancement for young Hungarians in Slovakia. It does this through various research programs, scientific conferences, methodological and talent training, science popularization lectures and discussion forums, in which it involves the majority of young intellectuals recruited from among the Hungarians in Slovakia. The focus of our research programs is mainly aimed at the social, economic, environmental and cultural development of the southern Slovakian region, and it tries to involve as many young people as possible.

Szlovákiai Magyar Fiatalok Tudományos és Kulturális Társulása

Szlovákiai Magyar Középiskolások Szövetsége

Szlovákiai Magyar Középiskolások Szövetsége

Via Nova - a Jövő Szövetsége

Via Nova was founded in 2007. Its aim is community building, which is achieved by its members in the regions of southern Slovakia through the organization of various programs. It is the organizer of various commemorations, educational lectures, excursions, camps, sports events, talent scouts, balls, concerts and other professional community-building and entertainment events.

Via Nova - a Jövő Szövetsége


Horvátországi Magyarok Demokratikus Közössége

HMDK is a Hungarian minority advocacy organization operating in Croatia. It was founded in 1993 in Osijek. Its current president is Róbert Jankovics, based in Bellye. The organization is actively involved in Hungarian political life in Croatia, and several mayors and district councilors were members. Between 1991 and 2007, they were also represented in the Croatian Parliament. During the early parliamentary elections in 2016, the HMDK candidate, Róbert Jankovics, won a parliamentary mandate, thanks to which the HMDK was again represented at the national level after 9 years.

Horvátországi Magyarok Demokratikus Közössége


Görögkatolikus Ifjúsági Szervezet

GISZ was founded in 2001 in Transcarpathia. Since its inception, it has been collecting and serving a number of young people who belong to the local Hungarian Greek Catholicism. It is built primarily on young people who represent ecclesiastical, national and traditional values, both in their own community and within GISZ. It embraces all endeavors that nurture our ecclesiastical values, national wealth, and local traditions.

Görögkatolikus Ifjúsági Szervezet

II. Rákóczi Ferenc Kárpátaljai Magyar Főiskola Hallgatói Önkormányzata

The college is a non-state-owned higher education institution established by the Foundation for the Hungarian College of Transcarpathia (KMFA). The College has been operating since 1996 with the permission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. A II. The Student Self-Government of the Hungarian College of Transcarpathia Ferenc Rákóczi is an advocacy and advocacy body for college students.

II. Rákóczi Ferenc Kárpátaljai Magyar Főiskola Hallgatói Önkormányzata

Kárpátaljai Fiatal Magyar Vállalkozók Szövetsége

The Association was a non-governmental organization founded in 2017. It aims to represent local young entrepreneurs and businesses, and to help and integrate entrepreneurs.

Kárpátaljai Fiatal Magyar Vállalkozók Szövetsége

Kárpátaljai Katolikus Szent Márton Egyesület

The Ungvár-based organization serves and promotes community and interreligious dialogue by pushing individual interests into the background. Its activities throughout Transcarpathia are best characterized by the help of groups and communities of Christian values. They also help to raise awareness and disseminate volunteering among young people.

Kárpátaljai Katolikus Szent Márton Egyesület

Kárpátaljai Magyar Diákok és Fiatal Kutatók Szövetsége

The association was established in 1999 by Hungarian students in Ungvár. Since its foundation, it has been operating as a non-profit, politically independent, youth organization to make the student years of Transcarpathian, especially Hungarian students, more beautiful and colorful. It awaits young people with 30 different programs each year. Community evenings, cultural programs, scientific conferences, student festivals - the range of their programs is very colorful. Everyone who is committed to Hungarian culture and values is welcome to join our team.

Kárpátaljai Magyar Diákok és Fiatal Kutatók Szövetsége

Kárpátaljai Magyar Kulturális Szövetség Ifjúsági Szervezete

The organization held its inaugural meeting on June 21, 2014, at which the young people present unanimously proclaimed the reorganization of the organization. The goals of the Organization: to support and help the cultural life of the Hungarian youth living in Transcarpathia, to preserve and nurture their national traditions and mother tongue, to form and shape their national consciousness. It cooperates with other Hungarian youth organizations in Transcarpathia and maintains contacts with Ukrainian and foreign youth groups. The organization strives to establish and develop mutual relations with the rest of the Hungarian youth, cooperates with Hungarian, cultural and social organizations in Ukraine, the motherland and abroad.

Kárpátaljai Magyar Kulturális Szövetség Ifjúsági Szervezete

Kárpátaljai Református Ifjúsági Szervezet

KRISZ was founded in 2002. The organization is a community of people who love youth and want to know God. Their main goal is to reach young people, to pass on the Gospel to them. Educating believing young people in faith, helping them to serve. Representing Christ in the world among young people. Assisting congregations and youth groups in youth work and active integration into the congregation. Their goal is mission work among young people, its organization and management.

Kárpátaljai Református Ifjúsági Szervezet

Momentum Doctorandus

Momentum Doctorandus is an organization of Hungarian doctoral students in Transcarpathia. The main goal of the organization is to bring together doctoral students, provide information to the membership, and organize professional programs that can help integrate into academic life. In addition, over the years, talent management has become our priority.

Momentum Doctorandus


Doktoranduszok Országos Egyesülete

Doktoranduszok Országos Egyesülete

Doktoranduszok Országos Szövetsége

Since 1994, the organization has been defending the interests of doctoral students in Hungary in various higher education, political and social forums. In 2012, DOSZ gained a radical status in the life of the Association, which previously operated in the form of an association, and gained doctoral student municipalities in 28 higher education institutions pursuing doctoral training. The Association participates in the work of the Higher Education Roundtable, MRK, HAC and ODT without claiming completeness. It maintains active relations with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, higher education unions, HÖOK, members of the Hungarian Doctoral Community and domestic and cross-border higher education institutions, research institutes and other organizations.

Doktoranduszok Országos Szövetsége

Felsőoktatási Kollégiumok Országos Szövetsége

FEKOSZ is an association for the protection and advocacy of higher education colleges organized and operating on a democratic basis. Through its activities, it intends to create a community of interest for the students and staff of the colleges of Hungarian higher education institutions. The aim of the organization is to raise Hungarian higher education colleges to a level that gives us a worthy role in the process of becoming an intellectual. It cooperates with other domestic and international organizations dealing with higher education and public education.

Felsőoktatási Kollégiumok Országos Szövetsége

Fiatalok a Nemzetért Alapítvány

Fiatalok a Nemzetért Alapítvány

Fidelitas – Az új nemzedék

Fidesz is a youth partner organization with nearly ten thousand members and hundreds of basic organizations nationwide. Fidelitas was founded in 1996 as a youth partner of Fidesz, representing the new generation. The center-right coalition was created by nationally liberal, conservative, and Christian-Democratic students who were already conscious after the regime change.

Fidelitas – Az új nemzedék

Hallgatói Önkormányzatok Országos Konferenciája

The HÖOK, organized on a democratic basis, ensures the representation of the interests of students in higher education at the national level. In order to comprehensively develop higher education in Hungary, it performs educational organization, social and youth policy tasks. He also operates numerous programs, including three mentoring programs, during which he feels a special responsibility for Hungarian students across the border. In addition, the organization and conduct of numerous national events can be linked to its name, such as EFOTT.

Hallgatói Önkormányzatok Országos Konferenciája

Ifjúsági Kereszténydemokrata Szövetség

IKSZ defined the goal as follows: "We young Christian Democrats have teamed up to work together for the benefit of our country and all of humanity, guided by a sense of responsibility for the created world and our fellow human beings." The purpose of the association is to build a community whose members identify with these principles and the organization’s Bylaws.

Ifjúsági Kereszténydemokrata Szövetség

Kosztolányi Dezső Céltársulás

The Association was founded by the students of the University of Pécs on September 8, 2015. The organization was established with the aim that the entire Carpathian Basin, including the mainland and the cross-border areas, can help and encourage its Hungarian-speaking youth to thrive in their homeland. With regard to the name of the organization, we pay special attention to the Hungarian communities living in the territory of the former Southern Hungary, in the 20th century in Yugoslavia (now Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia). In particular, young people living in the following areas: Bácska, Bánság, Szerémség, Drávaszög, Szlavónia, Muravidék.

Kosztolányi Dezső Céltársulás

KÖSZ Egyesület

A KÖSZ Kisvárosi Önkéntes Szemétszedők Egyesület célja, hogy felhívjuk a közvetlen környezetünk és a társadalom figyelmét a szemetelés, a túlfogyasztás és az emberi felelőtlenség, nemtörődömség okozta károkra, szennyezésekre. Munkánk során jellemzően illegális hulladék lerakatokat számolunk fel; legyen szó folyami hulladékokról, útmenti lerakásokról vagy akár a település szívében megtalált hulladékkupacokról. A hulladékgyűjtés mellett egyre nagyobb figyelmet fordítunk a megelőzésre. Tartunk szemléletformáló interaktív workshopokat, továbbképzéseket, játszóházakat, kvízesteket, valamint részt veszünk rendezvényeken, vállalati családi napokon, továbbá oktatási intézmények számára is nyújtunk programokat.

KÖSZ Egyesület

Magyar Önkéntes Liga Egyesület

MÖL is an ever-expanding umbrella organization that is open to any organization that bases its activities on volunteering.

Magyar Önkéntes Liga Egyesület

Magyarországi Református Egyház

The establishment of the Hungarian Reformed Church is connected with the Council of Debrecen in 1567. The Hungarian Reformed Church is the official name of the Reformed Church registered in Hungary. It ranks second among the historical churches in terms of numbers after the Catholic Church. Among the Presbyterian churches, this is the only church where bishops stood and still stand with their secular presidents, the chief administrators, at the head of the dioceses.

Magyarországi Református Egyház

Societas – Baloldali Ifjúsági Mozgalom

The organization was established at the last congress of the „Fiatal Baloldal” (FIB) in Szombathely on May 17, 2008. In parallel with its establishment, the associated youth organization of the MSZP was abolished on the same day, without a legal successor. The abolition of the FBI was based on the possibility of new integration. They decided it was time for renewal. Societas defines itself as an independent, left-wing association of young thinkers, not seeing itself as a successor to the „Fiatal Baloldal”. The aim of the organization is to promote the political socialization and participation of young people in public life. Spreading the value of democratic political culture and solidarity.

Societas – Baloldali Ifjúsági Mozgalom


Muravidéki Magyar Ifjúsági Szervezet

The voluntary non-profit organization has been operating under its current name since 2017. It aims to encourage youth activities in the organization of culture, education, sports, sports and events. It places great emphasis on nurturing the Hungarian language and culture and preserving it among the young people living in the Mura region.

Muravidéki Magyar Ifjúsági Szervezet
Nyugati Diaszpóra

Western Diaspora

Hungarian Youth Association

Hungarian Youth Association


Vajdasági Ifjúsági Fórum

Since its existence in 1996, the aim of the Vojvodina Youth Forum has been to preserve the identity of Hungarian youth in Vojvodina and to involve them in public life within the framework of non-formal education, as well as to nurture, straighten and create a community for young people. We represent this through our events, meetings, and to impart theoretical and practical knowledge that can be applied in both private and professional life. The largest of our many events is the Free University of Vojvodina, held in Kishegyes in the summer.

Vajdasági Ifjúsági Fórum

Vajdasági Magyar Cserkészszövetség

The scout history of the association can be traced back to the beginning of Hungarian scouting, as the development of scouting began in the village high school in Nagybecskerek. Their association currently operates at the level of districts and troops and covers almost the whole of Vojvodina. They currently work with 400 scouts in 4 districts, 12 operational and 6 formation teams. Their aim is to strengthen Hungarian identity in young people living in Vojvodina through their events and work, so that they become viable and committed citizens.

Vajdasági Magyar Cserkészszövetség

Vajdasági Magyar Diákszövetség

The organization is based in Újvidék, their main goal is to provide information about further education in the homeland, to encourage them to stay in their homeland, to organize non-formal trainings, to run a youth community space and student offices. They organize leisure programs, career counseling, parties, student days for young people and even legally defend the interests of university students.

Vajdasági Magyar Diákszövetség

Vajdasági Magyar Ifjúsági Központ

In addition to cultivating Hungarian culture, the aim of the VMIK is to help the cohesion of the Hungarian youth and to broaden its horizons, emphasizing tolerance and the promotion of active civic participation. Within the framework of the organization, a number of programs are organized, including educational lectures, trainings, discussion forums, social evenings, tradition balls, summer camps, joint graduation of primary and secondary school students. It cooperates with Hungarian youth and other organizations in Hungary and abroad for the purpose of getting to know each other, establishing contacts and exchanging programs.

Vajdasági Magyar Ifjúsági Központ
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